Race Rules
SMRCCC Racing Rules
1. Heats and finals
(a) Races to run in 5 Minute heats and 5 Minute finals.
(b) Other race formats may occur on ‘special’ meetings
2. Cars to race on a standard stock car oval
3. All meetings shall be run on carpet. No tyre additives allowed.
4. Heats to be formatted as per the race director’s decision.
5. Maximum number of cars in all heats and finals will be is down to club discretion. 3 being minimum required & 8 maximum for any class .
6. Cars must line up in roof graded order at designated places around the track. In finals cars must line up in grid order.
7. Qualifying format will be round by round.
8. Lap scoring will be done by RC-timing using irace transponders & displayed on www.rc–results.com
9. Queries concerning lap times and scores posted should be addressed to the race controller.
10. The driver shall be responsible for obtaining and fitting the correct transponder in his/her car for the race
11. Only the driver involved may questions his/hers lap scores. Any junior member can be represented by a parent or guardian
12. Scrutineering will be carried out at the club’s discretion
(a) Failure to present your car to scrutineering when requested or to comply with construction rules will result in loss of Final position.
(b) No decision of the Club’s own scrutineer can be overturned without a fully notarised committee meeting by any other member of the committee.
13. Any motor changed at a meeting to be approved by the scrutineer.
14. Radio Control Equipment:
a) It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that their equipment does not cause interference to others, and that his/her receiver is not faulty.
b) Only legally approved frequencies are to be used.
c) Drivers must be able to provide alternative frequencies if 27 meg or 40 meg is used.
d) All frequency changes MUST be reported and approved by race control.
15. External battery packs for radio transmitters are not allowed.
16. Open practise and frequency management will be at the club’s discretion
17. Any driver claiming interference must switch off and see the race director while the race is still in progress.
18. At the discretion of the race controller any competitor found with equipment causing interference will be disqualified
19. Any bodyshell entered into Concourse events must be run for the duration of the meeting, as scrutineered. The judging to take place by a person nominated by the committee, and judged before racing.
20. If the bodyshell becomes loose or falls off during a race, the car MUST be removed from the track until the bodyshell is securely re-attached, except Bangers.
21. Any car losing a wheel or tyre during a race must be removed from the track and have that wheel or tyre refitted to be eligible to re-join the race.
22. Any repairs to vehicles MUST be affected OFF the track.
23. Any car receiving assistance of an unfair nature (i.e., being pushed along the track or over the Finish line) will be disqualified.
24. Meeting to comply fully with the as above race procedures, unless exceptions are specifically agreed by the committee.
25. The driver’s roof grade MUST cover the majority of the roof.
26. Roof Grading:
- The Club Champion to wear the red with silver cross
- Series winners to wear red with silver stripe
- Red
- Blue
- Yellow
- White – for use by drivers that are R/C novice.
27. All cars must have the correct roof grade. Failure to comply will result in a points deduction from the meeting that the roof grade was incorrect. Final decision will be at the race director’s discretion.
28. No protest shall be accepted after any prize-giving ceremony.
29. Marshalling:
a) Adult Drivers to marshal the following heat to which they have just raced, Juniors over 12 years old are voluntary with Adult supervision.
b) Any driver not fulfilling marshalling obligations may be penalised by loss of Final Result.
c) Drivers must arrange a competent substitute if they are unable to for any reason.
d) Marshals must remain at their marshalling point for the duration of the following race.
e) Any driver leaving the meeting before his/her marshalling duties are fulfilled, may be disqualified with the loss of all points from the meeting.
30. Non-racing personnel must not block the vision of, or walk in front of the drivers/marshals whilst the race is in progress. Failure to comply will result in loss of lap scores, or to be expelled from the meeting.
31. Code of Conduct: – Any Committee member can bring to a competitor’s attention, misconduct by themselves or members of their pit crew, and may penalise the offending driver at the discretion of the committee.
32. Drivers or pit crew members who do not observe rule (31) will be disqualified from the meeting.
33. All drivers should be standing in the club’s designated rostrum area where applicable.
34. Drivers to allow room at the central position of the rostrum area so wheelchairs and/or walking aided members can see. Club’s may have additional or alternative practices in place.